Zoom WOD 9

Friday, October 30, 2020 - the 9th installment of the ZOOM WOD (workout of the day). Today, we did 3 circuits, but did not go outside for the running portion because it was 38º in Detroit, 43º (and rainy) in Brooklyn. We decided to substitute 1 minute of high intensity toe-tap drills, which was a great alternative that allowed us to squeeze more work into a shorter period of time. Also, I got my early voting done yesterday! Chitchat recap is here.

I waited in line for 1 hour in the rain on Thursday, Oct. 29 so that I could vote.

I waited in line for 1 hour in the rain on Thursday, Oct. 29 so that I could vote.

Sets & Reps

Exercise Set #1 Set #2 Set #3
Jacks 45 45 50
Crunches 35 35 50
Pushups 25 25 30
KB Swings 35lbs x 15 35lbs x 15 35lbs x 15
Ring chinups 7 8 10
Toe-tap drills 01:00 01:10 01:20

Chit Chat Recap

Eli: I need to do that today. I'm voting today.

Ben: Man, I dropped my wife off at work this morning, and saw a line of people, a third of a mile long. Waiting in the rain. The poll site didn’t open until 7, and these people were waiting in the rain at 6:20.

Eli: When you went, did you bring an absentee ballot and drop it in a box? Or did you just go in and vote?

Ben: No, in New York, they changed things this year - for the primaries - and I didn't realize that until the day before yesterday; that anyone can early vote. No justification. You just show up. So that's what I did.

Eli: Early voting for us is just filling out a ballot at home, and then dropping it off to the place.

Ben: Is that what you're going to do?

Eli: Yeah, for us, the show up and vote in person early doesn't happen. I'm basically just doing the postman's job for him.

Ben: [holding up 2 socks to the camera] Do you see the letters on these socks?

Eli: Are they left/right letters?

Ben: YES.

Eli: I love that.

Ben: That is like having women's and men's t-shirt sizes. It doesn't really serve the public good.

Eli: No man, the left and right socks are important. If you have big misshapen feet like me, and you stretch out the socks in totally different ways depending on the foot, you don't want to get the socks mixed up.

Ben: ?

Eli: Because the weird spot where your left big toe flares out is going to go on your right foot's pinky toe.

Ben: I don't buy that. I think people like to have stuff like that because they like to view themselves as high performance machines like... Lance Armstrong, and they think that by investing in super-advanced gear, they’re gonna’ see some NEXT level shit.

Eli: That is truly delusion.

Ben: Affirmative.

Eli: Um, have you got that book about Do Nothing?

Ben: Not yet.

Eli: I spent all week doing nothing, reading the book about Do Nothing.

Ben: [laughs] I am just now getting back into reading. So I don't want to overdo it. When I'm done with my current book, I'll for sure read Do Nothing.

Eli: [sensing I may be full of shit] Which one is the one you're on now?

Ben: [totally prepared with a reply] It's the Weirdest people in the world book. I'm like 50 pages away from being done [this is true, 100%].

Eli: Well, the Do Nothing book and the Essentialism book go really really well together. It's like they fill each other’s gaps. The things that Do Nothing doesn't have, Essentialism has, and the stuff Essentialism doesn't have, the Do Nothing book has.

Ben: I'm gonna' order it today, and I will notify you when that task is complete.

Eli: Arright, are we doing this? Is this happening?

Ben: Yes, do your thing.