Zoom WOD 7

Friday, October 16, 2020 - the 7th installment of the ZOOM WOD (workout of the day). Today’s meetup went a bit long, because of some unplanned chitchat pre and post workout. A recap can be found at the bottom of this page.

The cat is laying low this week because he’s on antibiotics, and wearing a recovery cone.

The cat is laying low this week because he’s on antibiotics, and wearing a recovery cone.

Sets & Reps

Exercise Set #1 Set #2 Set #3
Jacks 45 45 50
Crunches 35 35 40
Pushups 25 25 30
KB Swings 35lbs x 15 35lbs x 15 35lbs x 20
Ring chinups 7 7 10
Run 02:49 02:35 02:43

Chit Chat Recap

I am doing “an experiment”

On the need to psyche oneself out.

Eli: I’m doing an experiment today. I don’t feel like working out at all. I’m totally grouchy, and so I’ve told myself - OUT LOUD - that I’m going to work out really slowly.

Ben: Okay. Let’s see about that. (see notes on “The Anti Mel Gibson” below)

Laugh Tracks

On the decline of a TV sitcom staple.

Ben: Do shows have laugh tracks any more?

Eli: What about two and a half men?

Ben: … You mean that old show with Charlie Sheen?

Eli: They replaced him with… that other guy.

Ben: 5 years. I give laugh tracks 5 years tops, then they’re toast.

The anti-Mel Gibson

On the need to have an effective visualization anchor for summoning the will power to make it through a workout…

Eli: I don’t think you fully appreciate how little I care about orphans.

Ben: Fair enough. Orphans is my thing. And D-Day. You need to find out what works for you. Maybe it’s like… I don’t know – Mel Gibson in that one scene from Braveheart –

Eli: Fuck Mel Gibson.

Ben: <stunned> What are you talking about? That movie is badass.

Eli: I never saw it. But Mel Gibson is a total dick. Now I could do something maybe with – I don’t know – who’s the polar opposite of Mel Gibson then?

Ben: I got it! That guy from A Quiet Place

Eli: That guy is a total Mel Gibson. No, someone else. Oooh – I know! That guy from 30 rock, the guy who plays Jack.

Ben: Alec Baldwin?

Eli: Yeah. He’s totally the anti Mel Gibson.

Ben: That is crazy. Alec Baldwin doesn’t work. I don’t think Mel Gibson has an exact opposite.

Toxic Masculinity, Testosterone, and Evolutionary Biology

Ben: OK, so this book I’m reading right now is totally blowing my mind… <blah blah blah>

Eli: So you’re saying that women are basically keeping everything from turning to shit, and that gay men have higher levels of testosterone than straight married men?

Ben: Yes to the first thing. 2nd thing needs further study.

The Workout