New York Times Spelling Bee Helper

Today's letters:

  • 1st letter is the required letter
  • This git repo automatically synchronizes letters with the New York Times each morning at 4am
  • Total words in the anagram dictionary as of :
Words are gonna' show up...

New York Times Spelling Bee

How the game works: There are 7 letters, one of which is required. Compose as many words of 4 or more letters as you can. It’s OK to reuse letters as many times as you want to compose bigger words.

Why the Word Generator Exists

To help crack anagrams.

how this word generator came to be

I started playing the New York Times spelling bee game seriously in March 2020 – aka: covid times New York City. I would typically spend 20 minutes right before bed playing the game. Thing is, I had a hard time cracking into the genius level inside those 20 minutes. Turning off the lights when you’re only 4 or 5 words away from a high score is not a good pre bedtime ritual.

And I enjoy automating things. ❤️