NYT ๐Ÿ Cluesโ€”Tue. 11 July, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: a  b  c  e  f  i  t

  • Total Answers: 36
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! ๐Ÿคฃ


  1. AB5 โ€” sounds like hibachi
  2. AB5 โ€” to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually; to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent; to put an end to by formal action; de-escalate; decline sounds like await, bait, debate
  3. AB4 โ€” to bring (something volatile or intense) into being; to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end; brew; ferment; foment sounds like bet


  1. AC6 โ€” sounds like occasion
  2. AC4 โ€” sounds like occur, sky
  3. AC7 โ€” sounds like agitate, annotate
  4. AC6 โ€” sounds like ascetic


  1. AF6 โ€” to act upon (a person or a person's feelings) so as to cause a response; to be the business or affair of; to present a false appearance of; impact; impress sounds like effect


  1. AT5 โ€” a room or unfinished space directly beneath the roof of a building; as in refined, cultured; cockloft; garret; loft sounds like antic, stick, tick


  1. BA4 โ€” sounds like bobby
  2. BA4 โ€” a person who is just starting out in a field of activity; a recently born person; a lovely woman; abecedarian; apprentice
  3. BA4 โ€” something used to attract animals to a hook or into a trap; something that persuades one to perform an action for pleasure or gain; to attack repeatedly with mean put-downs or insults; decoy; lure sounds like abate, ate
  4. BA4 โ€” as in take off, abate; abate; deduct; knock off; remove sounds like a**, ate


  1. BE4 โ€” to strike repeatedly; to achieve a victory over; to be greater, better, or stronger than; bash; baste sounds like bait, bat
  2. BE8 โ€” showing complete happiness; ecstatic; elated; enraptured; entranced
  3. BE4 โ€” sounds like bait


  1. CA6 โ€” sounds like abbey, crabby, shabby, tabby
  2. CA5 โ€”
  3. CA4 โ€” a bar or restaurant offering special nighttime entertainment (as music, dancing, or comedy acts); a place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold to be consumed on the premises; a public establishment where meals are served to paying customers for consumption on the premises; bistro; boรฎte sounds like cuff


  1. CI8 โ€” sounds like aorta, beta, bottle, bottom, bought


  1. EF6 โ€” to destroy all traces of; abolish; annihilate; black out; blot out sounds like face


  1. FA4 โ€” to stand or sit with the face or front toward; to oppose (something hostile or dangerous) with firmness or courage; to cover with something that protects; front; look (toward) sounds like ace, base, case, chase
  2. FA5 โ€” a certain way in which something appears or may be regarded; angle; aspect; hand; phase
  3. FA4 โ€” the quality of being actual; something that actually exists; a single piece of information; actuality; factuality sounds like act, backed, packed, pact, tact
  4. FA4 โ€” a state or end that seemingly has been decided beforehand; a condition or occurrence traceable to a cause; the permanent stopping of all the vital bodily activities; circumstance; destiny sounds like ate, bait, date, eight


  1. FE4 โ€” an act of notable skill, strength, or cleverness; something done by someone; deed; exploit; number sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, effete
  2. FE4 โ€”


  1. FI4 โ€” an order publicly issued by an authority; bull; decree; diktat; directive sounds like fat, flat


  1. TA5 โ€” sounds like facet
  2. TA5 โ€” understood although not put into words; implicit; implied; unexpressed; unspoken sounds like asset, cast, caste, facet, facile
  3. TA4 โ€” the ability to deal with others in touchy situations without offending them; diplomacy; tactfulness sounds like act, backed, fact, packed, pact
  4. TA6 โ€” something done to achieve a particular goal; means; method; technique; way sounds like acting, active, antic, arctic, attic
  5. TA7 โ€” sounds like hafta


  1. TE4 โ€” sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat


  1. TI5 โ€” sounds like phobia, tabby, trivia, tuba
  2. TI6 โ€” sounds like tabby

abaci, abate, abet, acacia, acai, acetate, acetic, affect, attic, baba, babe, bait, bate, beat, beatific, beta, cabbie, cacti, cafe, ciabatta, efface, face, facet, fact, fate, feat, feta, fiat, tacet, tacit, tact, tactic, taffeta, teat, tibia, tibiae