NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Thu. 25 May, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: n  b  h  i  o  r  t

  • Total Answers: 41
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. BI6 β€” sounds like button


  1. BO6 β€” sounds like robin
  2. BO6 β€” sounds like bargain, carbon, robin
  3. BO6 β€” sounds like barrio
  4. BO6 β€” sounds like banjo, barb, barbed, barber, barrio
  5. BO4 β€” likely to seek or enjoy the company of others; a thing that helps; an act of kind assistance; clubbable; clubby sounds like ban, bane, bean, been, bin
  6. BO4 β€” being such from birth or by nature; belonging to a particular place by birth or origin; to bring forth from the womb; congenital; natural sounds like barn, corn, horn, mourn, shorn
  7. BO5 β€” sounds like bun, burden, burgeon, burn, burne


  1. HI4 β€” a slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation); an almost imperceptible sign of something; a piece of advice or useful information especially from an expert; clue; cue sounds like haunt, hunt, lint, mint, tint


  1. HO6 β€” to come or be together as friends; to take part in social activities; associate; chum; company sounds like blob, cobweb, doorknob, harness, hubbub
  2. HO5 β€” to show appreciation, respect, or affection for (someone) with a public celebration; faithfulness to high moral standards; an asset that brings praise or renown; fete; recognize sounds like earner, inner, otter, owner
  3. HO4 β€” something shaped like a hollow cone and used as a container; feeling or showing anger; as in bother, barge (in); cornet; cornucopia sounds like born, corn, mourn, s**


  1. IN6 β€” being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thing; genetically passed or capable of being passed from parent to offspring; built-in; constitutional; constitutive sounds like unborn
  2. IN7 β€” to create difficulty for the work or activity of; to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression); to steer (a person) from an activity or course of action; clog; cramp
  3. IN10 β€” the checking of one's true feelings and impulses when dealing with others; something that makes movement or progress difficult; constraint; continence; discipline sounds like exhibition, imposition
  4. IN9 β€” as in obstruction, constraint; constraint; liability; obstacle; obstruction
  5. IN4 β€” in addition to what has been said; to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face; to come upon unexpectedly or by chance; additionally; again sounds like ensue, onto, unto
  6. IN5 β€” a short section (as of a book) that leads to or explains the main part; exordium; foreword; introduction; preamble sounds like encroach, engross, entice, entire, entre


  1. IR4 β€” as in sand, grit; not showing weakness or uncertainty; as in tie, secure; backbone; fortitude sounds like burn, burne, churn, durn, earn


  1. NI5 β€” sounds like bind, china, dine, diner, find
  2. NI5 β€” sounds like gyro, knight, knightly, maestro, metro


  1. NO4 β€” sounds like afar, ajar, are, bar, car
  2. NO4 β€” sounds like knew, knob, lube, nab, new
  3. NO4 β€” the middle of the day; the highest part or point; as in daily, diurnal; high noon; lunch time sounds like boon, dune, goon, knew, known
  4. NO4 β€” sounds like gory, naughty
  5. NO5 β€” sounds like forth, fourth
  6. NO6 β€” small useful items; a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action; an idea that is believed to be true or valid without positive knowledge; etceteras; novelties sounds like lotion, motion, nation, ocean, potion


  1. ON5 β€” sounds like undone
  2. ON4 β€” as in hit (upon), pitch (upon); as in hit (upon), pitched (upon); as in hitting (upon), pitching (upon); chance (upon); encounter sounds like into, unto


  1. RH5 β€” sounds like rind


  1. RI6 β€” a long narrow piece of material; to cause (something) to separate into jagged pieces by violently pulling at it; of the very best kind; list; slip sounds like rebuff, rebut, robin, written


  1. RO5 β€” a meeting featuring a group discussion; colloquy; conference; council; forum sounds like ribbon
  2. RO6 β€” sounds like protein


  1. TH4 β€” having a noticeably small amount of body fat; being of less than usual width; not containing very much of some important element; bony; fatless sounds like been, bin, chin, din, fin
  2. TH5 β€” something that is a source of irritation; aggravation; aggro; annoyance; bother sounds like born, corn, horn, mourn, shorn


  1. TI7 β€” sounds like intern
  2. TI4 β€” a property that becomes apparent when light falls on an object and by which things that are identical in form can be distinguished; to give color or a different color to; cast; color; hue sounds like hint, lint, mint, s**, taint


  1. TO4 β€” a lower limb of an animal; a portion of a trip; pin; lap; stage sounds like attune, boon, dune, goon, loon
  2. TO4 β€” to cause (something) to separate into jagged pieces by violently pulling at it; to separate or remove by forceful pulling; to proceed or move quickly; rent; ribboned sounds like born, corn, horn, mourn, shorn
  3. TO7 β€” sounds like corny, courtly, crony, hormone, martini


  1. TR6 β€” sounds like brighten, frighten, tighten, titan

biotin, bobbin, bonbon, bonito, bonobo, boon, born, boron, hint, hobnob, honor, horn, inborn, inhibit, inhibition, inhibitor, into, intro, iron, ninth, nitro, noir, noob, noon, nori, north, notion, onion, onto, rhino, ribbon, robin, rotini, thin, thorn, tinhorn, tint, toon, torn, tortoni, triton