Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: e c h k l m o
- Total Answers: 34
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- CE4 β an area within a building that has been set apart from surrounding space by a wall; one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided; a local unit of an organization; apartment; chamber sounds like bell, dell, fell, gel, hell
- CE5 β sounds like bellow, fellow, mellow, self, sell
- CH5 β the amount owed at a bar or restaurant or the slip of paper stating the amount; a close look at or over someone or something in order to judge condition; a record of goods sold or services performed together with the costs due; bill; tab sounds like deck
- CH5 β disrespectful or argumentative talk given in response to a command or request; shameless boldness; the part of the body upon which someone sits; back talk; backchat sounds like beak
- CH5 β sounds like keno
- CH5 β to keep (someone) from breathing by exerting pressure on the windpipe; to experience complete or partial blockage of the windpipe; to be or cause to be killed by lack of breathable air; garrote; strangle sounds like coke, folk, joke, oak
- CL6 β as in beret, pillbox; baseball cap; beret; billycock; biretta sounds like bloc, block, cock
- CO6 β
- CO4 β sounds like cake, choke, cloak
- CO4 β to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advance; approach sounds like bum, calm, came, chum, cub
- EC4 β to continue or be repeated in a series of reflected sound waves; to say after another; a person who adopts the appearance or behavior of another especially in an obvious way; reecho; resonate sounds like ache, acre, act, ago, air
- EM5 β a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy
- HE4 β a state in which everything is out of order; chance-medley; chaos; confusion; disarrangement sounds like c**, deck, hack, hair, hare
- HE6 β to attack repeatedly with mean put-downs or insults; bait; hassle; haze; needle sounds like hackle
- HE4 β a person whose behavior is offensive to others; to set or cause to be at an angle; a vulnerable point; bastard; beast sounds like deal, eel, feel, hail, hall
- HE4 β the place of punishment for the wicked after death; a situation or state that causes great suffering and unhappiness; a state in which everything is out of order; Gehenna; Pandemonium sounds like bell, cell, dell, fell, gel
- HE8 β a dirty or messy place; dump; hole; pigpen; pigsty sounds like bellhop, bellow, bellows, elbow, enroll
- HE5 β an expression of goodwill upon meeting; greeting; salutation; salute; welcome sounds like halo, hollow, hulk, hull
- HE4 β the place of leadership or command; to operate or control the course of; chair; driver's seat; head sounds like elm, realm
- HE4 β the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something; border; borderline; bound; boundary sounds like beam, deem, ham
- HE7 β sounds like deadlock, hammerlock, wedlock
- HO4 β a place in a surface allowing passage into or through a thing; a sunken area forming a separate space; a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escape; aperture; opening sounds like boll, bowl, coal, dole, foal
- HO4 β the place where one lives; the place where a plant or animal is usually or naturally found; the land of one's birth, residence, or citizenship; abode; diggings sounds like comb, dome, foam, gnome, ham
- KE4 β a large craft for travel by water; as in drop, collapse; to lose consciousness; boat; ship sounds like call, coal, coil, cool, cul
- LE4 β sexual appetite; concupiscence; desire; eroticism; horniness sounds like check, deck, fleck, heck, lack
- LE5 β a person who is supported by or seeks support from another without making an adequate return; as in use, mooch; bloodsucker; freeloader; free rider sounds like beach, beech, bleach, each, latch
- LE4 β sounds like beak, bleak, cheek, chic, clique
- ME4 β not having or showing any feelings of superiority, self-assertiveness, or showiness; demure; down-to-earth; humble; lowly sounds like beak, cheek, chic, eke, geek
- ME5 β a rough and often noisy fight usually involving several people; affray; brawl; broil; donnybrook sounds like mail, mailed, male
- ME4 β sounds like beam, deem, mien, mom
- ME4 β a message on paper from one person or group to another; a usually brief written reminder; a written communication giving information or directions; dispatch; epistle sounds like demo, marrow
- MO5 β
- MO4 β a person who tries secretly to obtain information for one country in the territory of another usually unfriendly country; agent; asset; emissary; intelligencer sounds like boll, bowl, coal, dole, foal
- OL4 β sounds like polio