NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sat. 17 June, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: b  d  e  n  o  t  u

  • Total Answers: 57
  • Pangrams: 3
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. BE6 β€” to go to one's bed in order to sleep; to set solidly in or as if in surrounding matter; to go to one's bed in order to sleep; crashed; dossed (down) sounds like wedded
  2. BE4 β€” to have life; to occupy a place or location; to take or have a certain position within a group arranged in vertical classes; breathed; existed sounds like ban, bane, bib, bid, big
  3. BE4 β€” sounds like bait, bat
  4. BE4 β€” to cause to turn away from a straight line; to occupy (oneself) diligently or with close attention; to point or turn (something) toward a target or goal; arch; bow sounds like band, bind, blend, bond, bound
  5. BE4 β€” given to or marked by cheating and deception; a habitual attraction to some activity or thing; a special and usually inborn ability; crooked; deceptive sounds like bunt, burnt, cent, dent, lent
  6. BE5 β€”


  1. BO6 β€” to make (something) shorter or smaller with the use of a cutting instrument; to make short up-and-down movements; to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner; clipped; cropped sounds like barbed, bard
  2. BO4 β€” to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome; to remain indefinitely in existence or in the same state; to put up with (something painful or difficult); augur; forebode sounds like a**, bad, bade, bead, beau
  3. BO5 β€” to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome; to show signs of a favorable or successful outcome; augured; foreboded; promised
  4. BO6 β€” sounds like bargain, carbon, robin
  5. BO4 β€” something that physically prevents free movement; a uniting or binding force or influence; a formal agreement to fulfill an obligation; band; bind sounds like band, bard, bend, beyond, bind
  6. BO6 β€” as in glued, cemented; to form a close personal relationship; to form a close personal relationship; cemented; glued
  7. BO4 β€” a habitual attraction to some activity or thing; a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; the seat of one's deepest thoughts and emotions; affection; affinity sounds like ban, bane, bean, beau, been
  8. BO5 β€” as in dressed; a habitual attraction to some activity or thing; a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; dressed; cleaned sounds like band, bend, bind, burned
  9. BO6 β€” as in hood, helmet; a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action; a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action; baseball cap; beret sounds like ballot, bandit, bent, beret, bigot
  10. BO6 β€” sounds like banjo, barb, barbed, barber, barrio
  11. BO4 β€” an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; to make a mistake; an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; blunder; bobble sounds like babe, bib, buoy
  12. BO6 β€” an unintentional departure from truth or accuracy; blunder; bobble; boob; brick
  13. BO5 β€” as in jeered, hooted; hissed; hooted; jeered; bad-mouthed sounds like bad, bade, bead, bed, bid
  14. BO4 β€” likely to seek or enjoy the company of others; a thing that helps; an act of kind assistance; clubbable; clubby sounds like ban, bane, bean, been, bin
  15. BO4 β€” a pleasurably intense stimulation of the feelings; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to drive or force out; bang; charge sounds like bait, bat, beat, beet, bet
  16. BO6 β€” to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; to drive or force out; blew; bobbled sounds like bated, batted
  17. BO6 β€” as in bobby socks, anklet; valuables stolen or taken by force; the part of the body upon which someone sits; anklet; bobby socks sounds like beauty, buoy, duty, sooty
  18. BO6 β€”
  19. BO5 β€” a real or imaginary point beyond which a person or thing cannot go; the line or relatively narrow space that marks the outer limit of something; an act of leaping into the air; boundary; cap sounds like a*, around, band, bend, bind
  20. BO7 β€” having distinct or certain limits; to mark the limits of; to serve as a border for; circumscribed; defined sounds like founded, rounded
  21. BO4 β€” a competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on for amusement, exercise, or in pursuit of a prize; a sudden experiencing of a physical or mental disorder; competition; contest; event sounds like a**, bait, bat, beat, beet


  1. BU6 β€” as in blossomed, bloomed; blew; bloomed; blossomed; burgeoned sounds like added, ballad, beadle, bearded, blood
  2. BU4 β€” as in tap, flick; flick; stroke; tap; scuff sounds like bent, blunt, brunt
  3. BU6 β€” as in tapped, flicked; flicked; stroked; tapped; scuffed sounds like blunted, hunted
  4. BU4 β€” the part of the body upon which someone sits; a person or thing that is made fun of; a person or thing that is the object of abuse, criticism, or ridicule; backside; behind sounds like abbot, bait, bat, beat, beet
  5. BU5 β€” a type of hill with a flat top and steep sides that is found in the southwestern U.S.; mesa; plateau; table; tableland sounds like abbot, bait, bat, beat, beet
  6. BU6 β€” as in pushed, kicked; to be adjacent to; to interest oneself in what is not one's concern; bumped; jabbed
  7. BU6 β€” as in switch, key; as in color, badge; as in do up, belay; dial; key sounds like baton, beaten, bitten, mutton
  8. BU8 β€” as in did up, belayed; having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others; as in zipped (up); battened; belayed


  1. DE6 β€” sounds like abode, alone, atone, baboon, bone
  2. DE7 β€” sounds like abound, diamond, doesn't, double, dozen
  3. DE4 β€” something (as money) which is owed; a breaking of a moral or legal code; arrearage; arrears; indebtedness sounds like bet, dare, date
  4. DE5 β€” the first time an actor, musician, athlete, etc., does something in public or for the public; as in dawn; advent; appearance; arrival sounds like imbue
  5. DE7 β€” as in dawned; dawned; arrived; came; arose sounds like diluted, disputed


  1. DO5 β€” a feeling or attitude that one does not know the truth, truthfulness, or trustworthiness of someone or something; to have no trust or confidence in; as in insecurity, diffidence; distrust; distrustfulness sounds like bout, date, debt, dirt
  2. DO7 β€” to have no trust or confidence in; to have no trust or confidence in; distrusted; misdoubted; mistrusted


  1. DU6 β€” as in named, christened; to give a name to; to make or do (something) in a clumsy or unskillful way; baptized; christened


  1. EB5 β€” to become worse or of less value; to grow less in scope or intensity especially gradually; to become worse or of less value; atrophied; crumbled sounds like bed
  2. EB4 β€” sounds like auburn, balm, ban, bane, bar


  1. NO4 β€” sounds like knew, knob, lube, nab, new


  1. OB4 β€” sounds like beau, lobo


  1. OU8 β€” sounds like abound, bound, earthbound, inbound, rebound


  1. TU4 β€” a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas); an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; channel; conduit sounds like lube, tab, tomb, too, tool
  2. TU5 β€” a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas); an electronic device with a screen and speakers that reproduces images and sound; channel; conduit; duct


  1. UN6 β€” to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; straighten; uncurl; unkink
  2. UN6 β€” as in untwisted, uncurled; to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; to cause to follow a line that is without bends or curls; uncurled; untwisted sounds like affront, ancient, annoyance, bunt, infant
  3. UN7 β€” not bound, confined, or detained by force; to disengage the knotted parts of; to set free (as from slavery or confinement); footloose; free sounds like abound, inbound
  4. UN9 β€” being or seeming to be without limits; showing no signs of being under control; bottomless; boundless; endless
  5. UN8 β€” as in unfold, unfurl; unclench; unfold; unfurl; unzip sounds like button
  6. UN10 β€” as in unfolded, unzipped; as in unfolded, unfurled; unclenched; unfolded; unfurled
  7. UN9 β€” as in undeniable, indisputable; incontestable; incontrovertible; indisputable; indubitable sounds like indebted, updated

bedded, been, beet, bend, bent, bento, bobbed, bode, boded, bonbon, bond, bonded, bone, boned, bonnet, bonobo, boob, booboo, booed, boon, boot, booted, bootee, botnet, bound, bounded, bout, budded, bunt, bunted, butt, butte, butted, button, buttoned, debone, deboned, debt, debut, debuted, doubt, doubted, dubbed, ebbed, ebon, noob, oboe, outbound, tube, tubed, unbend, unbent, unbound, unbounded, unbutton, unbuttoned, undoubted