NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Mon. 3 July, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: c  a  b  e  h  m  o

  • Total Answers: 33
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC4 β€” a sharp unpleasant sensation usually felt in some specific part of the body; to feel or cause physical pain; to have sympathy for; pain; pang sounds like age, aid, aide, ail, aim
  2. AC5 β€” sounds like axe, coup
  3. AC4 β€” the highest part or point; the most perfect type or example; apex; apogee; capstone sounds like axe


  1. BE5 β€” the usually sandy or gravelly land bordering a body of water; as in ground; as in wreck, strand; beachfront; sand(s) sounds like batch
  2. BE9 β€”
  3. BE6 β€” to eventually have as a state or quality; to eventually have as a state or quality; came; got; grew
  4. BE6 β€” to eventually have as a state or quality; come; get; go; grow
  5. BE5 β€” sounds like batch


  1. BO5 β€” sounds like base, bass, beau


  1. CA5 β€” sounds like cocaine, coco, cocoa, cocoon, cuckoo
  2. CA5 β€” a collection of things kept available for future use or need; a supply stored up and often hidden away; to put (something of future use or value) in a safe or secret place; deposit; hoard sounds like ash, bash
  3. CA4 β€” to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advanced; approached sounds like aim, claim, comb
  4. CA5 β€” as in baguette, teardrop; baguette; cabochon; scarab; solitaire sounds like ammo
  5. CA4 β€” as in camouflage; camouflage; greasepaint; cold cream; cream sounds like combo, comma, commie


  1. CH5 β€” sounds like keno


  1. CO5 β€” a person who trains performers or athletes; to give advice and instruction to (someone) regarding the course or process to be followed; trainer; counsel; guide sounds like catch
  2. CO4 β€”
  3. CO5 β€”
  4. CO4 β€”
  5. CO4 β€” as in sleep, rest; hibernation; hypnosis; repose; rest sounds like aroma, soma
  6. CO4 β€” to look through (as a place) carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something; as in weed (out); as in roach, ducktail; dig (through); dredge sounds like calm, came, chrome
  7. CO5 β€” as in group, ensemble; ensemble; group; brasses; strings sounds like bimbo, calm, calmer, calming, calmly
  8. CO4 β€” to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advance; approach sounds like bum, calm, came, chum, cub
  9. CO5 β€” as in space, window; caesura; interspace; lag; pause sounds like calm, calmer, mama


  1. EA4 β€” being one of a group; for each one; being one of a group; any; every sounds like b**, beech, eel, eke, etch


  1. EC4 β€” to continue or be repeated in a series of reflected sound waves; to say after another; a person who adopts the appearance or behavior of another especially in an obvious way; reecho; resonate sounds like ache, acre, act, ago, air


  1. EM5 β€” a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy


  1. HO5 β€” a distilled beverage that can make a person drunk; a small, simply constructed, and often temporary dwelling; alcohol; aqua vitae; ardent spirits sounds like hatch, hitch, hutch, pooch, who


  1. MA4 β€” as in blackjack, knobkerrie; blackjack; knobkerrie; bastinado; bat sounds like ace, base, case, chase, face
  2. MA5 β€” the set of qualities considered appropriate for or characteristic of men; as in hypermasculine, hairy-chested; machismo; manhood; manliness sounds like morrow, motto


  1. ME5 β€” a thing or place that is of greatest importance to an activity or interest; axis; base; capital; center sounds like mica


  1. MO5 β€” sounds like coca, mecca, mica
  2. MO5 β€” to live by relying on someone else's generosity or hospitality without sharing in the cost or responsibility; to move about in a sly or secret manner; to move about from place to place aimlessly; freeload; sponge sounds like hooch, match, much, pooch

ache, achoo, acme, beach, beachcomb, became, become, beech, bocce, cacao, cache, came, cameo, camo, chemo, coach, coca, cocoa, coho, coma, comb, combo, come, comma, each, echo, emcee, hooch, mace, macho, mecca, mocha, mooch