Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: o e g h n t u
- Total Answers: 44
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- EG6 β sounds like airbag, any, banal, bog, cannot
- EN6 β in or to a degree or quantity that meets one's requirements or satisfaction; to some degree or extent; to a full extent or degree; adequately; satisfactorily sounds like snuff
- GH6 β as in hood, enclave; barrio; enclave; hood; district sounds like get
- GO4 β no longer existing; no longer living; no longer possessed; bygone; bypast sounds like dawn, fawn, gain, gall, gaunt
- GO4 β as in ding, clang; chink; clang; clank; clash sounds like gall, gang, gauze, long, pong
- GO4 β to take place; to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a point; a stupid person; be; befall sounds like boon, dune, gain, gun
- GO4 β sounds like both, girth
- GO6 β to acquire complete knowledge, understanding, or skill in; to become affected with (a disease or disorder); to become the father of; learn; master sounds like cotton, rotten
- GO5 β to charge (someone) too much for goods or services; as in groove, hollow; overcharge; soak; sting sounds like gage, gauge, gauss
- GO4 β sounds like bout, doubt, gait, gate, gauss
- HO4 β to make sharp or sharper; to make smooth by friction; as in set, home (in on); edge; grind sounds like bone, cone, hen
- HO4 β a loud vocal expression of strong emotion; a vocal sound made to express scorn or disapproval; the smallest amount or part imaginable; cry; holler sounds like boot, chute, hat, hate, heat
- NE4 β sounds like bean, con, dean, don, eon
- NO4 β certainly not; not in any degree, way, or under any condition; no person; hardly; ill sounds like bun, done, dun, eon, fun
- NO5 β sounds like bonnet, font, knockout, knot, net
- NO4 β the middle of the day; the highest part or point; as in daily, diurnal; high noon; lunch time sounds like boon, dune, goon, knew, known
- NO4 β to make a statement of one's opinion; to make a written note of; to make note of (something) through the use of one's eyes; allow; comment sounds like boat, coat, gnome, goat, knight
- NO6 β the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by it; aught; cipher; goose egg; nil sounds like fought, gnaw, knight, knit, knot
- NO4 β as in count noun, proper noun; as in count noun, proper noun; as in common noun, proper noun; nominal; substantive sounds like down, gown, known, nine, nun
- OG4 β sounds like edgy
- ON4 β as in hit (upon), pitch (upon); as in hit (upon), pitched (upon); as in hitting (upon), pitching (upon); chance (upon); encounter sounds like into, unto
- OU5 β to be under necessity or obligation to; have (to); must; need; shall sounds like all, ate, auto, awed, eat
- OU5 β a payment made in the course of achieving a result; the act of leaving a place; charge; cost; disbursement
- OU7 β
- OU6 β to be greater, better, or stronger than; beat; better; eclipse; exceed
- OU10 β to get the better of through cleverness; to get the better of through cleverness; foxed; outfoxed; outmaneuvered
- TE5 β
- TH5 β sounds like long, pong, song, wrong
- TH4 β having or showing the annoying attitude of people who believe that they are morally better than other people; self-righteous; assured; biggety; bigheaded sounds like boo, chew, coup, dew, doo
- TH6 β in spite of that; in spite of the fact that; the way it would be or one would do if; even so; howbeit sounds like beau, doe, dough, foe, hoe
- TH7 β a careful weighing of the reasons for or against something; something imagined or pictured in the mind; to have as an opinion; account; advisement sounds like fought, naught, ought, sought, taught
- TO4 β a distinctive way of putting ideas into words; a property that becomes apparent when light falls on an object and by which things that are identical in form can be distinguished; the set of qualities that makes a person, a group of people, or a thing different from others; fashion; locution sounds like a**, bone, cone, hone, known
- TO4 β sounds like long, pong, song, talk, tall
- TO6 β the stock of words, pronunciation, and grammar used by a people as their basic means of communication; to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings; unable to speak because you are nervous or shy; language; lingo sounds like dung, hung, lung, rung, stung
- TO5 β sounds like bun, done, dun, eaten, eon
- TO4 β a lower limb of an animal; a portion of a trip; pin; lap; stage sounds like attune, boon, dune, goon, loon
- TO4 β a bout of prolonged or excessive drinking; bender; binge; bust; carousal sounds like boot, chute, hoot, jute, loot
- TO5 β as in desire, taste; with all power or resources being used; being of advanced years and especially past middle age; appetite; fancy sounds like booth, truth, tube, tune, two
- TO4 β as in backpack, satchel; to support and take from one place to another; to combine (numbers) into a single sum; backpack; barracks bag sounds like boat, coat, goat, moat, note
- TO5 β not easily chewed; able to withstand hardship, strain, or exposure; difficult to endure; chewy; leathery sounds like buff, cuff, huff, muff, puff
- TO7 β to increase the ability of (as a muscle) to exert physical force; to make able to withstand physical hardship, strain, or exposure; to make more harsh, uncompromising, or severe; beef (up); fortify sounds like muffin
- TO4 β to praise or publicize lavishly and often excessively; to declare enthusiastic approval of; to provide publicity for; ballyhoo; blow up sounds like bout, doubt, gout, out, pout
- UN9 β sounds like astute, naught, taught, taut
- UN4 β sounds like anew, into, onto