NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Mon. 13 February, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: d  a  c  i  n  o  r

  • Total Answers: 66
  • Pangrams: 3
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AC6 β€” to be in agreement on every point; to give the ownership or benefit of (something) formally or publicly; a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoples; agree; answer sounds like aboard, afford, award, chord, cord
  2. AC9 β€” sounds like cordon
  3. AC4 β€” causing or characterized by the one of the four basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids; having or showing a habitually bad temper; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; acidic; acidulous sounds like added, arid, avid
  4. AC6 β€” causing or characterized by the one of the four basic taste sensations that is produced chiefly by acids; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; acid; acidulous; sour sounds like ascetic, civic, cynic, pacific
  5. AC5 β€” having or showing deep-seated resentment; marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings; acrimonious; bitter; embittered sounds like arid


  1. AD5 β€” to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming; array; beautify; bedeck; bedizen


  1. AN8 β€” as in python, boa; adder; asp; black racer; blacksnake sounds like avocado
  2. AN7 β€” sounds like abdomen, adman, admiral, endurance, enlighten
  3. AN7 β€” sounds like added, addled, address, adroit, arid


  1. AR7 β€” as in Eden, Camelot; Camelot; Cockaigne; Eden; Elysium
  2. AR8 β€” free from disturbing noise or uproar; calm; hushed; peaceful; placid sounds like guardian, radial, radiance, radiant, radiate
  3. AR5 β€” depth of feeling; urgent desire or interest; intense sexual desire; ardency; emotion sounds like harder, larder, order
  4. AR4 β€” causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest; marked by little or no precipitation or humidity; boring; colorless; drab sounds like acid, added, avid


  1. CA6 β€” a rumor or report of a personal or sensational nature; story; tale; whisper sounds like concede, confide, country, regard, unarmed
  2. CA6 β€” free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions; marked by justice, honesty, and freedom from bias; direct; forthcoming; forthright
  3. CA6 β€” the free expression of one's true feelings and opinions; the quality or state of having or giving off light; bluntness; candidness; directness sounds like gander, hander, kinder, pander, sander
  4. CA5 β€” sounds like conned
  5. CA4 β€” a list of foods served at or available for a meal; a person (as a writer) noted for or specializing in humor; as in note, file; menu; comedian sounds like bard, charred, chord, cod, conned
  6. CA7 β€” sounds like crack, creak, creek, guardian, hardier
  7. CA6 β€” sounds like audio, barrio, condo, hardier, hardy
  8. CA8 β€”


  1. CI6 β€” sounds like acacia, arcade, became, decade, decayed
  2. CI9 β€” sounds like meridian, stadium


  1. CO4 β€” as in epilogue, postlude; epilogue; postlude; addendum; afterword sounds like soda
  2. CO5 β€”
  3. CO7 β€” peaceful coexistence; chime; comity; compatibility; harmony sounds like encore, onboard
  4. CO5 β€” as in condominium, penthouse; bed-sitter; cohousing; condominium; duplex
  5. CO6 β€” sounds like candor, fonder, kinder, ponder, wander
  6. CO4 β€” a length of braided, flexible material that is used for tying or connecting things; a uniting or binding force or influence; as in strap, wire; cable; lace sounds like ac**, board, bored, called, card
  7. CO6 β€” a line of people or objects that are placed around or in front of a person or place to keep people away; as in close in, fence (in); barricade; buffer; bumper sounds like warden
  8. CO7 β€” sounds like carried, chord, creed
  9. CO8 β€” a broad geographical area; a typically long narrow way connecting parts of a building; belt; land; neck


  1. DA4 β€” the smallest amount or part imaginable; to close up with a series of interlacing stitches; deserving of one's condemnation or displeasure; beans; bubkes sounds like barn, don, yarn


  1. DI5 β€” sounds like defer, demur, deny, deter
  2. DI4 β€” sounds like dean, depot, keno, wino


  1. DO4 β€” a person with old-fashioned ideas; a stupid person; antediluvian; Colonel Blimp; fogy sounds like bode, coco, cocoa, code, dad
  2. DO5 β€” one that helps another with gifts or money; angel; benefactor; donator; fairy godmother sounds like diner, dinner, loner, owner, toner
  3. DO6 β€” a small article the actual name of which one either does not know or cannot remember; a small object displayed for its attractiveness or interest; something that decorates or beautifies; dingus; doohickey sounds like dad
  4. DO4 β€” a barrier by which an entry is closed and opened; the opening through which one can enter or leave a structure; the means or right of entering or participating in; gate; hatch sounds like adore, boar, bore, chore, core
  5. DO6 β€” sounds like board, border, bored, chord, cord


  1. DR9 β€” unnecessarily strict or severe; draconic; hardhanded; harsh; heavy-handed sounds like breakeven, erroneous, trachea
  2. DR8 β€” as in harsh, draconian; draconian; hardhanded; harsh; heavy-handed
  3. DR5 β€” to remove (liquid) gradually or completely; to make complete use of; to use up all the physical energy of; bleed; draft sounds like brain, crane, grain, rain, reign
  4. DR5 β€”


  1. IN6 β€” sounds like syndicate
  2. IN7 β€”
  3. IN6 β€” as in internal, interior; the lowest part, place, or point; the lowest part, place, or point; inner; inside
  4. IN6 β€” a sudden attack on and entrance into hostile territory; descent; foray; incursion; invasion sounds like erode


  1. NA4 β€” sounds like nod
  2. NA5 β€” the lowest point or level; the lowest part, place, or point; bedrock; bottom; depth sounds like neighbor, raider
  3. NA5 β€” a mythical goddess represented as a young girl and said to live outdoors; a young wingless often wormlike form (as a grub or caterpillar) that hatches from the egg of many insects; dryad; hamadryad; nymph sounds like acid, added, arid, avid, blood


  1. OD4 β€” a special quality or impression associated with something; the quality of a thing that makes it perceptible to the sense organs in the nose; overall quality as seen or judged by people in general; air; ambience sounds like loader, ochre, older, over, owner


  1. OR6 β€” to determine the fate of in advance; to request the doing of by virtue of one's authority; to put into effect through legislative or authoritative action; destine; doom sounds like arcane, brain, cordon, crane, drain


  1. RA5 β€”
  2. RA6 β€”
  3. RA5 β€” as in diameters; diameters; equators; perimeters; peripheries sounds like audio, bodied, body, oddly, readied
  4. RA5 β€” sounds like rodeo
  5. RA5 β€”
  6. RA4 β€” a sudden attack on and entrance into hostile territory; the act or action of setting upon with force or violence; to enter for conquest or plunder; descent; foray sounds like aid, aide, bade, b**, fade
  7. RA6 β€” causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment; abhorrent; abominable; appalling; awful sounds like branded, rinsing
  8. RA4 β€” sounds like and, band, b, canned, g
  9. RA5 β€” sounds like and, band, bandy, banjo, brand


  1. RI4 β€” sounds like bind, find, g**, hind, kind


  1. RO4 β€” a passage cleared for public vehicular travel; a roadway overlaid with parallel steel rails over which trains travel; a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective; arterial; artery sounds like bode, code, erode, goad, load
  2. RO5 β€” sounds like condo
  3. RO4 β€” sounds like could, good, hood, raid, read

accord, accordion, acid, acidic, acrid, adorn, anaconda, andiron, android, arcadia, arcadian, ardor, arid, canard, candid, candor, canid, card, cardiac, cardio, cardioid, cicada, circadian, coda, codon, concord, condo, condor, cord, cordon, corrida, corridor, darn, dinar, dino, dodo, donor, doodad, door, dorado, draconian, draconic, drain, droid, indica, indicia, indoor, inroad, nada, nadir, naiad, odor, ordain, radar, radian, radii, radio, radon, raid, rancid, rand, rando, rind, road, rondo, rood