NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 8 September, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: n  f  i  o  r  t  u

  • Total Answers: 42
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. FI6 β€” sounds like pinto


  1. FO4 β€” a point or place at which something is invented or provided; cradle; fountain; fountainhead; origin sounds like faint, feint, want
  2. FO5 β€” sounds like count, faint, feint, mount


  1. FR5 β€” being at or in the part of something opposite the back part; a forward part or surface; a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceive; anterior; fore sounds like af*, aren't, brunt, errant, grunt
  2. FR8 β€” the state of being actual or complete; accomplishment; achievement; actuality; actualization sounds like fission, physician, tuition


  1. FU5 β€” as in mattress, pallet; as in mattresses, pallets; bedstead; mattress; pallet sounds like fatten


  1. IN4 β€” a report of recent events or facts not previously known; 411; advice(s); gen; information
  2. IN4 β€” in addition to what has been said; to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face; to come upon unexpectedly or by chance; additionally; again sounds like ensue, onto, unto
  3. IN5 β€” a short section (as of a book) that leads to or explains the main part; exordium; foreword; introduction; preamble sounds like encroach, engross, entice, entire, entre
  4. IN6 β€” to have a clear idea of; appreciate; apprehend; assimilate; behold
  5. IN9 β€” an innate sense of what is true or what will happen; feel; insight; instinct; foreknowledge
  6. IN5 β€” as in immure; immure; bury; entomb; hearse


  1. IR4 β€” as in sand, grit; not showing weakness or uncertainty; as in tie, secure; backbone; fortitude sounds like burn, burne, churn, durn, earn


  1. NI5 β€” sounds like gyro, knight, knightly, maestro, metro


  1. NO4 β€” sounds like afar, ajar, are, bar, car
  2. NO4 β€” the middle of the day; the highest part or point; as in daily, diurnal; high noon; lunch time sounds like boon, dune, goon, knew, known
  3. NO4 β€” sounds like gory, naughty
  4. NO6 β€” small useful items; a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action; an idea that is believed to be true or valid without positive knowledge; etceteras; novelties sounds like lotion, motion, nation, ocean, potion
  5. NO4 β€” as in count noun, proper noun; as in count noun, proper noun; as in common noun, proper noun; nominal; substantive sounds like down, gown, known, nine, nun


  1. NU9 β€”


  1. ON5 β€” sounds like undone
  2. ON4 β€” as in hit (upon), pitch (upon); as in hit (upon), pitched (upon); as in hitting (upon), pitching (upon); chance (upon); encounter sounds like into, unto


  1. OU6 β€” to go beyond the limit of; break; exceed; outreach; overpass


  1. RO6 β€” sounds like protein


  1. RU4 β€” to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debts; to bring destruction to (something) through violent action; to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of; bankrupt; break sounds like rayon
  2. RU6 β€” to drive or force out; to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; to hasten away from something dangerous or frightening; banish; boot (out) sounds like cutoff, rough, turnoff, writeoff
  3. RU6 β€” as in throw out, kick out; a device to measure time; to make complete use of; cast out; dismiss sounds like redoubt
  4. RU4 β€” a living thing much smaller than others of its kind; diminutive; dwarf; midget; mite sounds like aren't, b**, bunt, errant, front


  1. TI4 β€” a property that becomes apparent when light falls on an object and by which things that are identical in form can be distinguished; to give color or a different color to; cast; color; hue sounds like hint, lint, mint, s**, taint


  1. TO4 β€” a lower limb of an animal; a portion of a trip; pin; lap; stage sounds like attune, boon, dune, goon, loon
  2. TO4 β€” to cause (something) to separate into jagged pieces by violently pulling at it; to separate or remove by forceful pulling; to proceed or move quickly; rent; ribboned sounds like born, corn, horn, mourn, shorn
  3. TO7 β€” sounds like corny, courtly, crony, hormone, martini


  1. TR6 β€” sounds like brighten, frighten, tighten, titan


  1. TU7 β€” the act or process of imparting knowledge or skills to another; education; instruction; schooling; teaching sounds like fruition, munition, musician
  2. TU4 β€” to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axis; to change the course or direction of (something); to change one's course or direction; pivot; revolve sounds like burn, burne, churn, durn, earn
  3. TU7 β€” as in corner; to cause to feel disgust; to change one's course or direction; corner; decline sounds like runoff, takeoff, tipoff, tourney, trough
  4. TU7 β€” as in stage, buggy; to leave one's bed; to remove the dirt from; barouche; brougham sounds like burnout


  1. UN5 β€” lacking qualities (as knowledge, skill, or ability) required to do a job; not appropriate for a particular occasion or situation; inapt; incapable; incompetent sounds like acquit, admit, annoying, befit, fit
  2. UN5 β€” the act or an instance of joining two or more things into one; an association of persons, parties, or states for mutual assistance and protection; the state of having shared interests or efforts (as in social or business matters); combination; combining sounds like canyon, minion, onion, re*
  3. UN4 β€” as in item, single; as in list price, face value; as in list prices, face values; entity; item
  4. UN6 β€” sounds like s**
  5. UN4 β€” sounds like anew, into, onto

finito, font, fount, front, fruition, futon, info, into, intro, intuit, intuition, inurn, iron, nitro, noir, noon, nori, notion, noun, nutrition, onion, onto, outrun, rotini, ruin, runoff, runout, runt, tint, toon, torn, tortoni, triton, tuition, turn, turnoff, turnout, unfit, union, unit, unroof, unto