NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Fri. 17 March, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: c  d  e  l  n  o  w

  • Total Answers: 47
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. CE4 β€” to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; cough up; deliver sounds like bead, deed, feed, heed, keyed
  2. CE5 β€” to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; coughed up; delivered sounds like faded, jaded
  3. CE4 β€” an area within a building that has been set apart from surrounding space by a wall; one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided; a local unit of an organization; apartment; chamber sounds like bell, dell, fell, gel, hell
  4. CE6 β€” sounds like felled, held, meld, said, sealed
  5. CE5 β€” sounds like bellow, fellow, mellow, self, sell


  1. CL4 β€” a big clumsy often slow-witted person; a small uneven mass; the loose surface material in which plants naturally grow; clodhopper; gawk sounds like cod, plod
  2. CL5 β€” something that is made to look exactly like something else; something or someone that strongly resembles another; to make an exact likeness of; carbon; carbon copy sounds like alone, blown, cologne, cone
  3. CL6 β€” to make an exact likeness of; to make an exact likeness of; copied; copycatted; duplicated
  4. CL5 β€” a comically dressed performer (as at a circus) who entertains with playful tricks and ridiculous behavior; a person whose behavior is offensive to others; as in mimic, imitate; buffo; buffoon sounds like crown
  5. CL7 β€” as in mimicked, imitated; as in cut up; to engage in attention-getting playful or boisterous behavior; aped; hammed


  1. CO6 β€” something that encloses another thing especially to protect it; something that serves as a protective barrier; to surround or cover closely; armor; capsule sounds like cuckoo
  2. CO8 β€” to surround or cover closely; to surround or cover closely; bosomed; bowered; circumfused
  3. CO6 β€” to cook in a liquid heated to the point that it gives off steam; to treat with great or excessive care; boil; parboil; poach sounds like cuddle, model
  4. CO7 β€” as in spoiled, pampered; to cook in a liquid heated to the point that it gives off steam; to treat with great or excessive care; indulged; pampered sounds like modeled
  5. CO4 β€” a collection or system of rules of conduct; as in encrypt, encode; as in nickname; canon; constitution sounds like bode
  6. CO5 β€” as in encrypted, encoded; ciphered; enciphered; encoded; encrypted
  7. CO5 β€”
  8. CO4 β€” as in undergraduate, postgraduate; collegian; postgraduate; undergraduate; pupil
  9. CO4 β€” having a low or subnormal temperature; lacking in friendliness or warmth of feeling; having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others; algid; arctic sounds like bold, called, fold
  10. CO7 β€” as in senorita, mademoiselle; mademoiselle; senhorita; senorita; bird sounds like clean, saline
  11. CO5 β€”
  12. CO7 β€” a person with old-fashioned ideas; antediluvian; dodo; fogy; fossil sounds like journal, kennel, vernal
  13. CO7 β€” to accept the truth or existence of (something) usually reluctantly; to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control); as in consent (to), confirm; acknowledge; admit
  14. CO8 β€” to accept the truth or existence of (something) usually reluctantly; to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control); to accept the truth or existence of (something) usually reluctantly; acknowledged; admitted sounds like unleaded
  15. CO5 β€” as in condominium, penthouse; bed-sitter; cohousing; condominium; duplex
  16. CO10 β€” a feeling or expression of care and sadness especially when someone is suffering because of the death of a family member, a friend, etc.; regret; commiseration; compassion; feeling
  17. CO7 β€” to dismiss as of little importance; blink (at); brush (aside or off); discount; disregard
  18. CO8 β€” as in countenanced, brooked; to dismiss as of little importance; to dismiss as of little importance; brooked; countenanced sounds like bonded, candid, hardened
  19. CO4 β€” sounds like bone, can, cane, clone, clones
  20. CO5 β€” sounds like canned, honed, kind, owned
  21. CO6 β€” to commit to memory; to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition); to rob by the use of trickery or threats; learned; memorized sounds like bond, canned, card, fond, kind
  22. CO5 β€” as in curred; curred; fizzed; hissed; murmured sounds like crude, curd
  23. CO4 β€” having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others; free from emotional or mental agitation; having a low or subnormal temperature; aloof; antisocial sounds like call, cul
  24. CO8 β€” as in calm (down), settle (down); as in relax, chill out; calm (down); settle (down); belt up sounds like clown
  25. CO6 β€” as in frozen, chilled; to cause to lose heat; to become still and orderly; chilled; frosted sounds like called, pooled
  26. CO5 β€” as in intimidated, bullied; to make timid or fearful by or as if by threats; to make timid or fearful by or as if by threats; browbeaten; bullied sounds like bowed, cloud, crowd
  27. CO4 β€” as in poncho, capelet; as in hood, bonnet; burnoose; capelet; capuchin sounds like call, cul, cull, curl


  1. DE4 β€” sounds like echo
  2. DE6 β€” to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; break; crack; decipher sounds like code
  3. DE7 β€” to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; broke; cracked sounds like divided, eroded


  1. EN6 β€” as in encrypt, code; cipher; code; encipher; encrypt sounds like anode, code, decode, echo
  2. EN7 β€” as in encrypted, coded; ciphered; coded; enciphered; encrypted sounds like unloaded


  1. LO4 β€” having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind; to cause to go insane or as if insane; balmy; barmy; bats sounds like coco, cocoa
  2. LO8 β€” sounds like accede, coco, cocoa, code, coed


  1. NE6 β€” as in neoconservative; neoconservative; conformist; diehard; standpatter sounds like beacon, deacon, knuckle, weaken


  1. NO5 β€” as in occasional, infrequent; inconstant; infrequent; intermittent; irregular sounds like nuance


  1. ON4 β€” at an earlier or previous time; having been such at some previous time; just at the moment that; erstwhile; formerly sounds like whence, wince, won

cede, ceded, cell, celled, cello, clod, clone, cloned, clown, clowned, cocoon, cocooned, coddle, coddled, code, coded, codon, coed, cold, colleen, colon, colonel, concede, conceded, condo, condolence, condone, condoned, cone, coned, conned, cooed, cool, cooldown, cooled, cowed, cowl, deco, decode, decoded, encode, encoded, loco, locoweed, neocon, nonce, once