NYT ๐Ÿ Cluesโ€”Fri. 12 May, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: v  a  c  e  n  o  t

  • Total Answers: 28
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! ๐Ÿคฃ


  1. AV6 โ€” sounds like abbot, absent, accurate, acid, advocate


  1. CA4 โ€” sounds like comma, java, lava
  2. CA4 โ€” a naturally formed underground chamber with an opening to the surface; as in submit, yield; to fall down or in as a result of physical pressure; antre; cavern sounds like cove, crave, curve
  3. CA6 โ€” something (such as a piece of advice) that should be remembered when one is doing or thinking about something; admonishment; admonition; alarm; alert sounds like aviator, cleat, combat, copycat, covert


  1. CO7 โ€” curved inward; as in concavity, cavity; dented; depressed; dished
  2. CO7 โ€”
  3. CO7 โ€” to bring together in assembly by or as if by command; to come together into one body or place; assemble; call; convoke sounds like canteen
  4. CO7 โ€” a group of nuns who live together; nunnery; abbey; cloister; friary sounds like canvassed, solvent
  5. CO4 โ€” a part of a body of water that extends beyond the general shoreline; arm; bay; bight; creek sounds like calve, cave
  6. CO5 โ€” a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together socially; body; bunch; circle; clan sounds like oven
  7. CO8 โ€” a formal agreement between two or more nations or peoples; a formal agreement to fulfill an obligation; an arrangement about action to be taken; accord; alliance sounds like abundant, cabinet
  8. CO5 โ€” to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy; ache (for); crave; desiderate; desire sounds like avert, bucket, buffet, cadet, cahoot


  1. EA4 โ€” sounds like eel, eke, h, l, thieve


  1. EV4 โ€” not merely this but also; to a full extent or degree; being neither more nor less than a certain amount, number, or extent; indeed; nay sounds like been, bin, chin, din, easing
  2. EV5 โ€” something that happens; something that might happen; a competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on for amusement, exercise, or in pursuit of a prize; affair; circumstance sounds like invent, vent


  1. NA4 โ€” sounds like cave, gave, nerve, pave, rave


  1. NO8 โ€” as in nonstarter, disappointment; bomb; bummer; bust; catastrophe sounds like content, convent, event, invent, prevent
  2. NO4 โ€” a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness and then within a few months or years becomes less bright again; binary star; brown dwarf; dwarf; fixed star sounds like aroma, boa, coca, cola, coma
  3. NO5 โ€” a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness and then within a few months or years becomes less bright again; a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness and then within a few months or years becomes less bright again; binary stars; brown dwarfs; dwarfs sounds like cove, gnome, hove, knoll, know


  1. OC6 โ€” sounds like active


  1. OV5 โ€” having the shape of an egg; elliptical; oval; ovoid
  2. OV4 โ€” as in stove, microwave; as in oven, stove; as in oven, stove; broiler; fryer sounds like above, abuzz, adjoin, adjourn, adjudge


  1. VA6 โ€” lacking contents that could or should be present; not being in a state of use, activity, or employment; not expressing any emotion; bare; blank sounds like agent, bacon, latent, nascent, patient
  2. VA6 โ€” to put an end to by formal action; to remove the contents of; abate; abolish; abrogate sounds like baked, locate, placate, shakeout, skate
  3. VA4 โ€” sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign


  1. VE4 โ€” to find emotional release for; to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion); to throw or give off; loose; release sounds like bent, cent, dent, e**, lent
  2. VE4 โ€” an order that something not be done or used; to reject by or as if by a vote; ban; embargo; interdict sounds like auto, beat, beet, chateau, chateaux


  1. VO4 โ€” the right to formally express one's position or will in an election; a piece of paper indicating a person's preferences in an election; the right to express a wish, choice, or opinion; ballot; enfranchisement sounds like boat, coat, goat, moat, note

avocet, cava, cave, caveat, concave, convect, convene, convent, cove, coven, covenant, covet, eave, even, event, nave, nonevent, nova, novae, octave, ovate, oven, vacant, vacate, vane, vent, veto, vote