Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Thu. 23 February, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: p  a  e  m  n  t  y

  • Total Answers: 46
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AP6 β€” sounds like pummel, summon, thiamin
  2. AP6 β€” sounds like lemon, oppression, penman
  3. AP5 β€” sounds like acne, mania


  1. AT7 β€” an effort to do or accomplish something; the act or action of setting upon with force or violence; to make an effort to do; assay; bash sounds like tempt


  1. EM5 β€” lacking contents that could or should be present; feeling a desire or need for food; having no meaning; bare; blank


  1. EP4 β€” sounds like easy, pea


  1. NA8 β€” sounds like acetate, agitate, amateur, amity, amortize
  2. NA4 β€” sounds like ape, cape, nip, rape, shape


  1. NE4 β€” sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep


  1. PA5 β€” a formal expression of praise; accolade; citation; commendation; dithyramb sounds like eon, peony, pun
  2. PA5 β€” a broad area of level or rolling treeless country; campo; champaign; down(s); grassland
  3. PA6 β€” as in sombrero, beret; baseball cap; beret; billycock; biretta
  4. PA4 β€” sounds like arraign, bane, cane, chain, feign
  5. PA4 β€” to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty; to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy; blow; gasp; heave sounds like ant, aunt, can't, chant
  6. PA5 β€” sounds like ante, pointy, shanty
  7. PA4 β€” a male human parent; dad; daddy; father; old man sounds like pop, poppy
  8. PA6 β€” sounds like pecan, pup, puppet, puppy, upon
  9. PA5 β€” sounds like happy, peppy, poppy, puppy
  10. PA4 β€” the upper or front part of the body that contains the brain, the major sense organs, and the mouth; bean; block; dome; head sounds like ate, bait, date, eight, fate
  11. PA6 β€” as in copyright; as in grant, charter; not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation; copyright; brand sounds like potent
  12. PA8 β€”
  13. PA5 β€” a small usually rounded mass of minced food that has been fried; cake; croquette; cutlet; fritter sounds like catty, chatty, fatty, natty
  14. PA5 β€”
  15. PA7 β€” the act of offering money in exchange for goods or services; something (as money) that is given or received in return for goods or services; the money paid regularly to a person for labor or services; compensation; disbursement


  1. PE4 β€” sounds like beat, beet, cheat, eat, feat
  2. PE5 β€” sounds like meaty, patty, pity, potty, putty
  3. PE4 β€” sounds like bean, dean, gene, keen, lean
  4. PE4 β€” an instance of looking especially briefly; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cast; eye; gander sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
  5. PE6 β€” a person who creates a written work; one who writes from dictation or copies manuscripts; author; litterateur; pen
  6. PE6 β€” a person who creates a written work; one who writes from dictation or copies manuscripts; a person who creates a written work; authors; litterateurs
  7. PE7 β€” a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as an emblem or for signaling; banderole; banner; colors; ensign sounds like parent, tenant
  8. PE5 β€” sounds like den, hen, pain, pair, pan
  9. PE5 β€” a mean grasping person who is usually stingy with money; giving or sharing as little as possible; careful management of material resources; cheapskate; churl sounds like any, many, parry, pony
  10. PE4 β€” sounds like bent, cent, dent, lent, meant
  11. PE7 β€” sounds like contain, entail, maintain
  12. PE5 β€” having active strength of body or mind; having much high-spirited energy and movement; dynamic; energetic; flush sounds like parry, poppy, preppie, preppy, puppy
  13. PE5 β€” not broad or open in views or opinions; so small or unimportant as to warrant little or no attention; as in pocket money, spending money; illiberal; insular sounds like jetty, parry, patty, pity, potty


  1. TA4 β€” sounds like camp, champ, damp, lamp, ramp
  2. TA4 β€” sounds like top, topper, topple
  3. TA4 β€” a recording (as of a movie) for playback on a TV; as in wire, rope; a recording (as of a movie) for playback on a TV; tape recording; vid sounds like ape, cape, rape, shape


  1. TE6 β€” sounds like beady, beefy, beep, beeper, cheap
  2. TE4 β€” as in temporary; temporary; associate; colleague; coworker
  3. TE5 β€” to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage; to take a chance on; allure; bait; beguile sounds like at*
  4. TE5 β€” sounds like guppy, puppy, touchy, tummy, yuppie


  1. TY4 β€” a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in common; one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristic; to arrange or assign according to type; breed; class sounds like hype, pipe, ripe, tap, tape


  1. YA5 β€” sounds like happy, yuppie

apeman, apemen, apnea, attempt, empty, epee, nametape, nape, neap, paean, pampa, panama, pane, pant, panty, papa, papaya, pappy, pate, patent, patentee, patty, payee, payment, peat, peaty, peen, peep, penman, penmen, pennant, penne, penny, pent, pentane, peppy, petty, tamp, tapa, tape, teepee, temp, tempt, tepee, type, yappy