NYT π CluesβThu. 14 September, 2023
Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: w b d e f l o
- Total Answers: 48
- Pangrams: 1
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- BE5 β to make or become slightly or moderately wet; damp; dampen; moisten sounds like bud, buddy
- BE7 β to make or become slightly or moderately wet; to make or become slightly or moderately wet; damped; dampened; moistened sounds like allude, baboon, balloon, bassoon, bloodied
- BE9 β someone associated with another to give assistance or moral support; abettor; ally; backer; confederate sounds like airflow, buffalo, fellow
- BE6 β to make a long loud deep noise or cry; to speak so as to be heard at a distance; as in howl, roar; boom; growl sounds like billow, blow, fellow, mellow, yellow
- BE8 β to make a long loud deep noise or cry; to speak so as to be heard at a distance; to make a long loud deep noise or cry; boomed; growled
- BE5 β in a lower position than; subsequent to in time or order; in or to a lower place; beneath; neath sounds like bilk, bill, billed, blow, build
- BL4 β to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty; to use up carelessly; to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure; gasped; heaved sounds like boo, brew, clue, flew, flu
- BL4 β to breathe hard, quickly, or with difficulty; to use up carelessly; to break open or into pieces usually because of internal pressure; gasp; heave sounds like beau, bellow, below, billow, bio
- BO5 β bending downward or forward; directed down; to cease resistance (as to another's arguments, demands, or control); bowing; declined sounds like bad, bade, bead, bed, bid
- BO5 β sounds like dowel, towel, vowel
- BO4 β a large usually roofless building for sporting events with tiers of seats for spectators; to move or proceed smoothly and readily; to proceed or move quickly; circus; coliseum sounds like bail, bale, ball, bawl, beau
- BO6 β to move or proceed smoothly and readily; to proceed or move quickly; a large usually roofless building for sporting events with tiers of seats for spectators; breezed; brushed sounds like bald, billed, build
- BO6 β loud, confused, and usually inharmonious sound; babel; blare; bluster; brawl sounds like barrow, beau, bellow, below, billow
- DO5 β sounds like bowel, dial, dual, duel, dull
- DW5 β as in nerd; nerd; snob; snoot; snot sounds like daub, deal, dean, deed, deem
- DW5 β to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of time; to have a home; to speak or write about insistently and usually tiresomely; abide; hang around sounds like dell, quell, swell, well
- DW7 β to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of time; to have a home; to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of time; abided; hung around sounds like swelled, weld
- EL5 β to force one's way; the active use of energy in producing a result; an extent or area available for or used up by some activity or thing; bore; bull sounds like also, although, beau, bellow, blow
- EL7 β to force one's way; to force one's way; bored; bulldozed; bulled
- FE6 β a male romantic companion; a person frequently seen in the company of another; an adult male human being; beau; boy sounds like bellow, fallow, faro, flow, follow
- FL4 β to move through the air with or as if with outstretched wings; to get free from a dangerous or confining situation; to proceed or move quickly; aviated; glided sounds like blew, blue, clue, few
- FL4 β to move in a stream; to move or proceed smoothly and readily; as in flood, overflow; pour; roll sounds like blow, fallow, fellow
- FL6 β to move in a stream; to move or proceed smoothly and readily; to move in a stream; poured; ran sounds like followed, load
- FO6 β to come after in time; to go after or on the track of; to act according to the commands of; postdate; succeed sounds like fallow, fellow, flow, furlough, hollow
- FO8 β to come after in time; to go after or on the track of; to act according to the commands of; postdated; succeeded
- FO4 β a member of the human race; baby; being; bird; bod sounds like fail, fall, feel, fell, file
- LE4 β depicting or referring to sexual matters in a way that is unacceptable in polite society; having a strong sexual desire; hinting at or intended to call to mind matters regarded as indecent; bawdy; blue sounds like allude, elude, food, lad, lade
- LO5 β sounds like bode, code, goad, lad, lade
- OW4 β not yet paid; outstanding; overdue; owing; payable sounds like add, aid, aide, awed, bode
- WE6 β something that catches and holds; a device or scheme for capturing another by surprise; entanglement; mesh(es); morass sounds like bed, deathbed, embed
- WE6 β of or relating to marriage; to give in marriage; to perform the ceremony of marriage for; conjugal; connubial sounds like added, dud, edit, ended, faded
- WE4 β as in comb (out); comb (out); check off; disregard; deter sounds like bead, cede, deed, feed, heed
- WE6 β as in winnowed (out), picked over; as in combed (out); culled; picked over; screened sounds like needed
- WE4 β as in combine, fuse; cement; coalesce; combine; fuse sounds like felled, held, meld, shelled, swelled
- WE6 β as in combined, fused; cemented; coalesced; combined; fused
- WE4 β in a satisfactory way; in a generous manner; in a skillful or expert manner; acceptably; adequately sounds like bell, cell, dell, d**, fell
- WE6 β as in ran over, boiled over; boiled over; ran over; spilled; overfilled sounds like felled, held, meld, shelled, s**
- WO6 β to make a series of small irregular or violent movements; to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions; to show uncertainty about the right course of action; agitate; bucket sounds like cobble, gobble, hobble, waffle, wattle
- WO7 β to make a series of small irregular or violent movements; to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions; to show uncertainty about the right course of action; agitated; bucketed
- WO4 β a man given to seducing women; a person who habitually preys upon others; to swallow or eat greedily; Casanova; Don Juan
- WO6 β to swallow or eat greedily; to swallow or eat greedily; bolted; crammed; devoured
- WO4 β tree logs as prepared for human use; a dense growth of trees and shrubs covering a large area; a mythical goddess represented as a young girl and said to live outdoors; lumber; timber sounds like could, good, hood, should, wad
- WO6 β
- WO5 β to act so as to make (something) more likely; to act so as to make (something) more likely; asked (for); courted; flirted (with) sounds like food, lewd, mood, nude, rude
- WO4 β an immaterial thing upon which something else rests; base; basis; bedrock; bottom sounds like goof, hoof, poof, roof, waif
- WO6 β sounds like waft
- WO4 β the hairy covering of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thick; being such by habit and not likely to change; to cause to believe what is untrue; coat; fleece sounds like bull, full, pull, wail, wale
- WO5 β sounds like bowed, loud, wad, wade, wed