Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sat. 29 July, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: c  d  e  i  m  o  t

  • Total Answers: 54
  • Pangrams: 3
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. CE4 β€” to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; cough up; deliver sounds like bead, deed, feed, heed, keyed
  2. CE5 β€” to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; coughed up; delivered sounds like faded, jaded


  1. CI4 β€” to give as an example; to make reference to or speak about briefly but specifically; adduce; instance; mention sounds like bite, byte, eyesight, fight, height
  2. CI5 β€” to give as an example; to make reference to or speak about briefly but specifically; to give as an example; adduced; instanced sounds like fitted, knitted, seated, stud


  1. CO5 β€” sounds like catchy
  2. CO4 β€” a collection or system of rules of conduct; as in encrypt, encode; as in nickname; canon; constitution sounds like bode
  3. CO5 β€” as in encrypted, encoded; ciphered; enciphered; encoded; encrypted
  4. CO4 β€” as in undergraduate, postgraduate; collegian; postgraduate; undergraduate; pupil
  5. CO4 β€” to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advance; approach sounds like bum, calm, came, chum, cub
  6. CO7 β€” causing or intended to cause laughter; antic; chucklesome; comic; comical sounds like anemic, caloric
  7. CO5 β€” sounds like vomit
  8. CO5 β€” a person (as a writer) noted for or specializing in humor; a series of drawings that tell a story or part of a story; the amusing quality or element in something; card; comedian sounds like calming
  9. CO6 β€” to carry through (as a process) to completion; to obligate by prior agreement; to put (something) into the possession or safekeeping of another; accomplish; achieve
  10. CO9 β€” as in engaged, pledged; to carry through (as a process) to completion; to obligate by prior agreement; affianced; betrothed sounds like admitted, permitted
  11. CO9 β€” a select group of persons assigned to consider or take action on some matter; as in vested interest; as in subcommittee, steering committee; commission; panel
  12. CO7 β€” as in pot, pan; pan; pot; bath; bathroom sounds like borrowed, calm, calmer, calming, calmly
  13. CO5 β€” as in curred; curred; fizzed; hissed; murmured sounds like crude, curd
  14. CO4 β€” as in geezer; geezer; bohemian; maverick; nonconformist sounds like boot, cat, caught, chute
  15. CO6 β€” sounds like booty, catty, duty, kitty, sooty
  16. CO4 β€” as in henhouse, dovecote; dovecote; henhouse; kraal; stockade sounds like boat, cat, caught


  1. DE6 β€” the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery; the tendency to tell lies; artifice; cheating; cozenage sounds like dust
  2. DE6 β€” to come to a judgment about after discussion or consideration; to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute); to come to an agreement or decision concerning the details of; choose; conclude sounds like beside, divide
  3. DE7 β€” not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation; to come to a judgment about after discussion or consideration; to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute); apparent; bald sounds like divided, dividing, misguided, un***
  4. DE4 β€” sounds like echo
  5. DE6 β€” as in reduce, boil down; boil down; reduce; clarify; clean
  6. DE8 β€” as in reduced, boiled down; boiled down; reduced; clarified; cleaned
  7. DE6 β€” to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; break; crack; decipher sounds like code
  8. DE7 β€” to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; broke; cracked sounds like divided, eroded
  9. DE8 β€” sounds like commit
  10. DE11 β€” sounds like committed
  11. DE5 β€” sounds like bus, dice, done, dose, douse
  12. DE6 β€” as in heated, defrosted; defrosted; thawed; unfrozen; liquefied sounds like date, dirt, dot, doubt, dust
  13. DE7 β€”
  14. DE6 β€” to come upon after searching, study, or effort; ascertain; descry; determine; dig out
  15. DE8 β€” as in identified, discovered; to come upon after searching, study, or effort; to come upon after searching, study, or effort; discovered; identified sounds like affected, connected, directed, protected, selected


  1. DI4 β€” a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; to cut into small pieces; a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; bones; die sounds like dose, douse, dye, dyke
  2. DI5 β€” to cut into small pieces; to cut into small pieces; chopped; hashed; minced sounds like cyst, dust, fist, gist, hissed
  3. DI8 β€” as in dietary; dietary; enriched; fortified; beneficial sounds like aesthetic, ascetic, athletic, beatnik, derrick


  1. DO6 β€” sounds like sitcom


  1. EC7 β€” sounds like exceed, excite, inside, oxide


  1. ED5 β€” an order publicly issued by an authority; a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concerned; bull; decree; diktat sounds like addict


  1. EI7 β€” sounds like ascetic, derrick, idyllic, poetic


  1. EM5 β€” a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy
  2. EM6 β€” sounds like encode, envied, impede, keyed
  3. EM6 β€” sounds like aesthetic, ascetic, medic, metric, poetic


  1. IC4 β€” as in frozen, refrigerated; to make sure, certain, or safe; to put to death deliberately; frore; frosted sounds like east, eyesight, heist, oust


  1. ID7 β€” having or showing an inability to understand or make sensible choices; airheaded; birdbrained; boobish; brain-dead sounds like erotic, exotic


  1. ME5 β€” a person specially trained in healing human medical disorders; croaker; doc; doctor; medico
  2. ME6 β€” a person specially trained in healing human medical disorders; croaker; doc; doctor; medic


  1. MI4 β€” as in cowards, pussies; as in icebergs, cold fishes; cowards; milquetoasts; nebbishes sounds like dice, ice, lice, mass, mess
  2. MI7 β€” using or marked by the use of something else as a basis or model; apish; canned; emulative; epigonic sounds like mystic
  3. MI5 β€” to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materials; burlesque; caricature sounds like gimmick, mythic


  1. OC5 β€” as in trio, quartet; duo; quartet; quintet; septet sounds like onset


  1. TI7 β€” sounds like litmus

cede, ceded, cite, cited, cocci, code, coded, coed, come, comedic, comet, comic, commit, committed, committee, commode, cooed, coot, cootie, cote, deceit, decide, decided, deco, decoct, decocted, decode, decoded, decommit, decommitted, deice, deiced, deicide, detect, detected, dice, diced, dietetic, dotcom, ecocide, edict, eidetic, emcee, emceed, emetic, iced, idiotic, medic, medico, mice, mimetic, mimic, octet, titmice