NYT π CluesβSat. 29 July, 2023
Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.
Letters: c d e i m o t
- Total Answers: 54
- Pangrams: 3
- Words revealed in these clues: None! π€£
- CE4 β to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; cough up; deliver sounds like bead, deed, feed, heed, keyed
- CE5 β to give (something) over to the control or possession of another usually under duress; to give over the legal possession or ownership of; to give up (as a position of authority) formally; coughed up; delivered sounds like faded, jaded
- CI4 β to give as an example; to make reference to or speak about briefly but specifically; adduce; instance; mention sounds like bite, byte, eyesight, fight, height
- CI5 β to give as an example; to make reference to or speak about briefly but specifically; to give as an example; adduced; instanced sounds like fitted, knitted, seated, stud
- CO5 β sounds like catchy
- CO4 β a collection or system of rules of conduct; as in encrypt, encode; as in nickname; canon; constitution sounds like bode
- CO5 β as in encrypted, encoded; ciphered; enciphered; encoded; encrypted
- CO4 β as in undergraduate, postgraduate; collegian; postgraduate; undergraduate; pupil
- CO4 β to move closer to; to get to a destination; to eventually have as a state or quality; advance; approach sounds like bum, calm, came, chum, cub
- CO7 β causing or intended to cause laughter; antic; chucklesome; comic; comical sounds like anemic, caloric
- CO5 β sounds like vomit
- CO5 β a person (as a writer) noted for or specializing in humor; a series of drawings that tell a story or part of a story; the amusing quality or element in something; card; comedian sounds like calming
- CO6 β to carry through (as a process) to completion; to obligate by prior agreement; to put (something) into the possession or safekeeping of another; accomplish; achieve
- CO9 β as in engaged, pledged; to carry through (as a process) to completion; to obligate by prior agreement; affianced; betrothed sounds like admitted, permitted
- CO9 β a select group of persons assigned to consider or take action on some matter; as in vested interest; as in subcommittee, steering committee; commission; panel
- CO7 β as in pot, pan; pan; pot; bath; bathroom sounds like borrowed, calm, calmer, calming, calmly
- CO5 β as in curred; curred; fizzed; hissed; murmured sounds like crude, curd
- CO4 β as in geezer; geezer; bohemian; maverick; nonconformist sounds like boot, cat, caught, chute
- CO6 β sounds like booty, catty, duty, kitty, sooty
- CO4 β as in henhouse, dovecote; dovecote; henhouse; kraal; stockade sounds like boat, cat, caught
- DE6 β the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery; the tendency to tell lies; artifice; cheating; cozenage sounds like dust
- DE6 β to come to a judgment about after discussion or consideration; to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute); to come to an agreement or decision concerning the details of; choose; conclude sounds like beside, divide
- DE7 β not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation; to come to a judgment about after discussion or consideration; to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute); apparent; bald sounds like divided, dividing, misguided, un***
- DE4 β sounds like echo
- DE6 β as in reduce, boil down; boil down; reduce; clarify; clean
- DE8 β as in reduced, boiled down; boiled down; reduced; clarified; cleaned
- DE6 β to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; break; crack; decipher sounds like code
- DE7 β to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; to have a clear idea of; to change (as a secret message) from code into ordinary language; broke; cracked sounds like divided, eroded
- DE8 β sounds like commit
- DE11 β sounds like committed
- DE5 β sounds like bus, dice, done, dose, douse
- DE6 β as in heated, defrosted; defrosted; thawed; unfrozen; liquefied sounds like date, dirt, dot, doubt, dust
- DE7 β
- DE6 β to come upon after searching, study, or effort; ascertain; descry; determine; dig out
- DE8 β as in identified, discovered; to come upon after searching, study, or effort; to come upon after searching, study, or effort; discovered; identified sounds like affected, connected, directed, protected, selected
- DI4 β a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; to cut into small pieces; a small cube marked on each side with one to six spots and usually played in pairs in various games; bones; die sounds like dose, douse, dye, dyke
- DI5 β to cut into small pieces; to cut into small pieces; chopped; hashed; minced sounds like cyst, dust, fist, gist, hissed
- DI8 β as in dietary; dietary; enriched; fortified; beneficial sounds like aesthetic, ascetic, athletic, beatnik, derrick
- DO6 β sounds like sitcom
- EC7 β sounds like exceed, excite, inside, oxide
- ED5 β an order publicly issued by an authority; a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concerned; bull; decree; diktat sounds like addict
- EI7 β sounds like ascetic, derrick, idyllic, poetic
- EM5 β a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuity; announcer; host; MC sounds like airy, any, assay, chassis, edgy
- EM6 β sounds like encode, envied, impede, keyed
- EM6 β sounds like aesthetic, ascetic, medic, metric, poetic
- IC4 β as in frozen, refrigerated; to make sure, certain, or safe; to put to death deliberately; frore; frosted sounds like east, eyesight, heist, oust
- ID7 β having or showing an inability to understand or make sensible choices; airheaded; birdbrained; boobish; brain-dead sounds like erotic, exotic
- ME5 β a person specially trained in healing human medical disorders; croaker; doc; doctor; medico
- ME6 β a person specially trained in healing human medical disorders; croaker; doc; doctor; medic
- MI4 β as in cowards, pussies; as in icebergs, cold fishes; cowards; milquetoasts; nebbishes sounds like dice, ice, lice, mass, mess
- MI7 β using or marked by the use of something else as a basis or model; apish; canned; emulative; epigonic sounds like mystic
- MI5 β to copy or exaggerate (someone or something) in order to make fun of; to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior; being such in appearance only and made with or manufactured from usually cheaper materials; burlesque; caricature sounds like gimmick, mythic
- OC5 β as in trio, quartet; duo; quartet; quintet; septet sounds like onset
- TI7 β sounds like litmus