Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Sat. 28 January, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: p  a  e  h  l  u  v

  • Total Answers: 34
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AL5 β€” sounds like leaf
  2. AL5 β€” the point at which something begins; as in be-all and end-all; as in center, core; baseline; beginning


  1. AP6 β€” to cause an unpleasant surprise for; floor; jolt; shake up; shock
  2. AP6 β€” an earnest request; the power of irresistible attraction; as in cite, book; adjuration; conjuration sounds like peal, peel, spiel
  3. AP8 β€” as in defendant, plaintiff; accuser; appellant; petitioner; pleader sounds like belly, especially, jelly, lapel
  4. AP5 β€” to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior; a person who flatters another in order to get ahead; to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior; bootlick; fawn sounds like addle, agile, ample, annul, chapel


  1. EP4 β€” sounds like easy, pea


  1. HE4 β€” a considerable amount; a quantity of things thrown or stacked on one another; to give readily and in large quantities; abundance; barrel sounds like beep, c**, deep, hip
  2. HE4 β€” to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end; to make more bearable or less severe; to keep from happening by taking action in advance; abet; aid sounds like kelp


  1. LA5 β€” sounds like appall, appeal, compel, couple, gazelle


  1. LE4 β€” an act of leaping into the air; to propel oneself upward or forward into the air; a sudden large change or improvement; bound; hop sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep


  1. PA6 β€”
  2. PA6 β€” sounds like plaza, plop
  3. PA4 β€” lacking intensity of color; lacking a healthy skin color; not seen or understood clearly; dull; dulled sounds like ail, ale, bail, bale, dale
  4. PA4 β€” a boxlike container for holding a dead body; an overspreading element that produces an atmosphere of gloom; something that covers or conceals like a piece of cloth; bier; box sounds like doll, loll, peal, pearl, peel
  5. PA4 β€” as in palpate; palpate; feel; touch; brush sounds like pulp
  6. PA4 β€” a male human parent; dad; daddy; father; old man sounds like pop, poppy
  7. PA5 β€” as in priestly, apostolic; apostolic; canonical; clerical; episcopal sounds like maple, people, purple
  8. PA4 β€” to free from obstruction or difficulty; ease; facilitate; grease; loosen (up) sounds like cave, gave


  1. PE4 β€” to make the clear sound heard when metal vibrates; as in ring, chime; bong; chime; knell sounds like ap**, deal, eel, feel, heal
  2. PE4 β€” to remove the natural covering of; to rid oneself of (a garment); to leave a place often for another; bark; flay sounds like appeal, deal, eel, feel, heal
  3. PE4 β€” an instance of looking especially briefly; to make a short sharp sound like a small bird; cast; eye; gander sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep
  4. PE5 β€” something that is a source of irritation; the feeling of being offended or resentful after a slight or indignity; to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts; aggravation; aggro sounds like eave, eve, heave, leave, pave


  1. PL4 β€” an earnest request; an explanation that frees one from fault or blame; to get possession of (something) by giving money in exchange for; adjuration; appeal sounds like alley, early, flea, flee, glee


  1. PU4 β€” to utter feeble plaintive cries; bleat; mewl; whimper sounds like mule, pew, pool
  2. PU4 β€” to cause to follow by applying steady force on; to draw out by force or with effort; to injure by overuse, misuse, or pressure; drag; draw sounds like bull, full, pail, pal, pale
  3. PU4 β€” to cause to become a pulpy mass; as in novel, novelette; crush; mash; squash sounds like gulp
  4. PU4 β€” as in larva, nymph; larva; naiad; nymph sounds like coop, coupe, dupe, hoop, loop
  5. PU5 β€” as in larvae, nymphs; larvae; naiads; nymphs sounds like coop, coupe, dupe, hoop, loop
  6. PU5 β€” sounds like papal, people, poodle


  1. UP8 β€” a violent disturbance (as of the political or social order); bouleversement; cataclysm; convulsion; earthquake sounds like approval
  2. UP7 β€” to lift with effort; boost; heave; heft; hoist sounds like achieve, apiece, appeal, appease


  1. VA4 β€” sounds like ape, cape, rape, shape, tape


  1. VE4 β€” sounds like beep, cheap, deep, heap, jeep

aleph, alpha, appall, appeal, appellee, apple, epee, heap, help, lapel, leap, paella, palapa, pale, pall, palp, papa, papal, pave, peal, peel, peep, peeve, plea, pule, pull, pulp, pupa, pupae, pupal, upheaval, upheave, vape, veep