Ben Willenbring

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NYT 🐝 Cluesβ€”Mon. 20 February, 2023

Clues for the New York Times Spelling Bee are generated daily by Ben Willenbring from his home in Brooklyn.

Letters: n  a  g  h  m  o  y

  • Total Answers: 38
  • Pangrams: 1
  • Words revealed in these clues: None! 🀣


  1. AG5 β€” a situation or state that causes great suffering and unhappiness; a state of great suffering of body or mind; a sudden intense expression of strong feeling; Gehenna; hell sounds like gunny


  1. AM5 β€” in or into the middle of; amid; mid; midst; through


  1. AN5 β€” to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable acts; aggravate; bother; bug; burn (up)
  2. AN4 β€” at or within a short time; on some occasions; a certain way in which something appears or may be regarded; before long; by and by sounds like upon
  3. AN6 β€”


  1. GA4 β€” a group of people working together on a task; a group of people sharing a common interest and relating together socially; a group involved in secret or criminal activities; army; band sounds like bang, dang, fang


  1. GO4 β€” as in ding, clang; chink; clang; clank; clash sounds like gall, gang, gauze, long, pong
  2. GO5 β€” sounds like donna, mana
  3. GO4 β€” to take place; to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a point; a stupid person; be; befall sounds like boon, dune, gain, gun
  4. GO5 β€” sounds like guinea, gunny, loony


  1. HA4 β€” to place on an elevated point without support from below; to be determined by, based on, or subject (to); to be limp from lack of water or vigor; dangle; sling sounds like bang, dang, fang, gang
  2. HA7 β€” as in executioner, headsman; deathsman; decapitator; executioner; executor sounds like adman, famine, houseman, human, jasmine


  1. HO5 β€” as in wigwam, wickiup; wickiup; wigwam; cabin; camp sounds like begun, bogus, chosen, colon, gun
  2. HO7 β€” sounds like aluminum, coconut, feminine, laminate, laudanum
  3. HO8 β€” sounds like nominally


  1. HY4 β€” a religious song; a formal expression of praise; to proclaim the glory of; anthem; canticle sounds like dim, gym, ham, hear, hem


  1. MA8 β€” sounds like monotony
  2. MA6 β€” sounds like famine, salmon
  3. MA5 β€” sounds like mega, mingle, saga
  4. MA5 β€” sounds like tango
  5. MA5 β€” showing signs of advanced wear and tear and neglect; beat-up; bombed-out; dilapidated; dog-eared
  6. MA5 β€” a source of great satisfaction; something that provides happiness or does good for a person or thing; delectation; delight; feast
  7. MA4 β€” being of a large but indefinite number; as in number; a pronounceable series of letters having a distinct meaning especially in a particular field; beaucoup; legion sounds like any, meant, mend, merry, messy


  1. MO4 β€” a long low sound indicating pain or grief; a crying out in grief; an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentment; groan; wail sounds like bone, cone, hone, known, loan
  2. MO4 β€”
  3. MO8 β€” as in marriage, cohabitation; betrothal; engagement; espousal; hand sounds like minimally, minimum
  4. MO7 β€” sounds like minimum
  5. MO4 β€” a long or seemingly long period of time; a long or seemingly long period of time; not often; aeon; age sounds like boon, dune, goon, loon, main
  6. MO5 β€” as in dreamy, nostalgic; dreamy; misty-eyed; moonstruck; nostalgic sounds like loony, many


  1. MY4 β€” sounds like mana, manna, min, mince, mint
  2. MY5 β€” sounds like mana, manna, min, mince, mint


  1. NA4 β€” sounds like con, don, john, knob, knock
  2. NA5 β€” sounds like baggy, shaggy
  3. NA4 β€” sounds like manna
  4. NA5 β€” a girl or woman employed to care for a young child or children; babysitter; dry nurse; nurse; nursemaid sounds like canny, fanny


  1. NO7 β€” sounds like bargain, collagen, dragon, handgun, jargon
  2. NO4 β€” the middle of the day; the highest part or point; as in daily, diurnal; high noon; lunch time sounds like boon, dune, goon, knew, known


  1. YA4 β€” sounds like bang, dang, fang, gang, hang

agony, among, annoy, anon, anyhoo, gang, gong, gonna, goon, goony, hang, hangman, hogan, homonym, homonymy, hymn, mahogany, mammon, manga, mango, mangy, manna, many, moan, mono, monogamy, mononym, moon, moony, myna, mynah, naan, naggy, nana, nanny, nonagon, noon, yang